Dear friends,

I am sorry for having to inform you about the real massacre that your goverments have commited and, rather interesting,  have admited, in Serbian miners town called Aleksinac. This unfortunate little town, marked by the tragical deaths of great number of miners few years ago, is now one big pile of asshes. It is, completely and utterly, ruined by NATO imperialist  air forces, although this city is or, better still, was, of only  industrial importance, confirmed by one CNN "journalist" who was on the spot.

So far, from the wracked houses which were, as already mentioned CNN "journalist" has reported, not without some perverse, almost infantile pleasure,"flooded with blood", from this ruines, the bodies of 12 civilians were found.Authorities in Aleksinac, unable to clear up this nazi-style bombardement debris, has reported that many other civilians are still covered with ruins, aproximatevly around 20-30 human beings.

Please forward this message to everyone you know.You have to try to stop this madness, this filthy nintendo game which is taking human lifes for "national interests" of your Goverment, blackmailed by the Imperial States of America, in their "Drang nach Osten" performed for rather transparent "humanitarian" reasons of protecting oil route from Caspian area to Europe and establishing New World Order under USA dirigism.

Is it worth it?

Friendly yours,
Andrej Grubacic